Trivia Questions and Answers

Your Free Repository Of Trivia Questions And Answers In Areas Such As Science, History, Entertainment, Arts, Sports And So On.

What country once technically fought a war against a species of bird?

What year was the luxury brand "Tiffany & Co." founded?

Which Empire is typically associated with the invention of the early fork?

Which US president died three months after being shot by Charles J. Guiteau?

What country's space travellers have been called "taikonauts" since 1998?

Who was the captain of the Bonhomme Richard in the 18th Century??

What was the better known nickname of 19th century figure Joseph Merrick?

Billed as "The Crime of the Century', in which US city did the Great Brink's Robbery take place, in 1950?

Which terrorist group invaded the Munich Olympic Village in 1972?

What organisation was founded in 1961 by British lawyer Peter Benenson?

Which king decided to transform Versailles into a royal court in 1661?

Why did the Mongolians fail to invade Japan?

What was the name of the first US human spaceflight?

What was the first permanent photograph taken?

Who was king of England from 1422 until 1461?

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